I got a thunderhorn quiver with a fairly new Insert foam in it and I sink my broadheads to the inserts so no blade will be showing,for safety reasons and all etc. I touch up my broadheads once a week or so to keep them sharp. I know sinking them into the foam , in and out, exposure to moisture , air and the elements gradually dulls them. I've heard the Chapstick / Vaseline trick to prolong the edge but my question is Has anybody ever cut out the foam and left just enough in the bottom so the Point of the head is the only part touching the foam and the actual blades are not touching anything ( kinda like a kwickee quiver)? Wouldn't this prolong my edges since its not constantly in contact with black foam as if I had sunk them in the foam?? Or am I overthinking the situation.. Hope this is clear, as I'm not a very good explainer! Appreciate it, Seth