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Author Topic: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser  (Read 1410 times)

Offline KentuckyTJ

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2012, 01:29:00 PM »
Ran a couple off walking their dogs down through a buddies farm last month. I feel your pain.
The fulfillment of your hunt is determined by the amount of effort you put into it  >>>---->

Offline JamesKerr

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2012, 02:56:00 PM »
I feel your pain. We have had to call the game and fish quite a few times on our property in Arkansas because of trespassers.
James Kerr

Offline KOOK68

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2012, 03:07:00 PM »
We had a lease next to ours where a few guys showed up and started hunting. Leaseholder confronted them and they proceed to tell him they leased the property from XYZ. Come to find out, XYZ had scammed several people around the area. Not sure what ever happened in  the case.
I hate a thief!

Offline Chromebuck

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2012, 07:27:00 PM »
Originally posted by Jim Wright:
I'm just shy of 67 and can assure you that trespassers, poachers and other slobs have been around for a long time. I might add that today's slobs like those before them come from a portion of the population that hardly consider themselves part of any "entitlement culture".
Coming from the far north I deal with the "entitlement culture" (I've lived here over thirty years!)all the time.  After further thought on the subject I think you are right Mr. Wright.

Jeff, You have elected to trade the responsibility of patrolling the property for the right of recreating.  Seems a fair trade, but just know, in your parts as well as ours "anti-sentiment" for  everything  runs high and the chance of running into a real situation is quite probable.  Stay sharp and be safe brother.

62" JD Berry Taipan 53@28
60" Super Shrew 2pc 53@28
58" Ed Scott Owl Bow 53@28

Offline Montanawidower

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2012, 08:43:00 PM »
Thanks everyone.   Yeah it is the trade off and I still feel privileged to have a good spot to hunt.  I just hate that it ruins good hunts.

Randy yes they had guns and I was unarmed .   My wife keeps sayin I'm going to get shot one day.   Hopefully not.   :) .

I'd like add that most of the people I catch are apologetic and seem remorseful.   Kind like a "getting caught with you hand in the cookie jar" look on their face.   These guys just were so in my face and defiant that I hope the landowner prosecutes them .  We'll see.

On a brighter note,  My wife could tell it really bothered me.  She SUGGESTED I go hunt again last night to make me feel better.  No that is not a misprint.  Miracles never cease.  :)

Offline bowhuntingrn

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2012, 12:32:00 AM »
Originally posted by The Whittler:
Repeat after me, you can't fix stupid. People do what they do because there is no respect for others, or what you have.
Actually, you can fix it...but it's illegal. Not to mention having to go to all the trouble of finding someplace to hide the bodies...   :knothead:      :dunno:
"The first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest"

Offline Roadkill

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2012, 01:07:00 AM »
I have a place on the Truckee.  Two weeks ago a vagrant and his dog moved in.  As we walked by, the dog attacked and I fended him off with my longbow. He came out of his truck and corraled the dog. I told him that if the had bitten me, I would have shot it. He blew up.  We walked away and he called the sheriff.  The sheriff showed up as we cleaned rabbits at the truck.  He agreed with us, including my right to shoot the dog.  He thanked us and ticketed the jerk.  And made him leave.  If you have a clean case, call the law.  If nothing else, they start a paper trail on the jerks that will folow and eventually stick em.  Like all here, my hunting is a big part of my life and my skirts are clean, so I call the law so I can protect my rights.  I work on that ranch for free for hunting rights, and I feel it is necessary to call out the violators.  Remember, your call may be the one that sticks after he skated other minor brushes.  Protect yourself in the process,  these folks can be nasty
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Offline COOCH

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2012, 05:03:00 AM »
I hate Tresspassers!   :mad:  I've had a few dealing with them the day seems to go downhill from there.
Jeff Couture

Offline Joeabowhunter

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2012, 06:17:00 AM »
Luckily trespassers are less of a problem now but that's only because I've been running them off for years.  It get's the blood boiling when they have the nerve to lie and say the land owner gave them permission and threaten to call the police on you!  Seems like in this area anyone sees a nice wooded property they think its public land and feel free to walk on.

Offline Doug Campbell

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #29 on: November 06, 2012, 08:39:00 AM »
Yep, it's a never ending battle Jeff, hang in there and don't let em get you down...
Life is wonderful in Montana!!
ABS Journeyman Knifesmith

Offline Widow's Son

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #30 on: November 06, 2012, 09:51:00 AM »
It sucks when you go to deer camp to relax and end up spending all your time patroling and dealing with buttheads. I have a couple of buddies who actually have fun doing this however. It frees the rest of us for hunting. You have to be vigilant and in my experiance it helps to act like a real a--hole when you catch them. Call the law if possible but sometimes you just are not able. Eventually the word will get around that you and your buddies are not to be fooled with and the scumbags will begin to leave you alone. We took one trespasser's four wheeler one year. He was able to get it back from the deputy sheriff along with a ticket. The Deputy was great and gave him the lecture along with the ticket. You have to be carefull and you have to be armed. A shotgun works best.
1969 Bear Super Kodiak 45#
1966 Bear Kodiak 52#
2000 Black Widow MAII
46# at 28"
Roy Hall Navajo Stick, 64" Caddo 55#@28"

Offline kill shot

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #31 on: November 06, 2012, 02:37:00 PM »
It's nice to have acerage to hunt to yourself, the more the better. Now days hunting land is getting harder to find. 3 guys hunting 320 acres and not letting that guy hunt there sounds kinda selfish to me. The reason he was probably a jerk was because he sees hunting land becoming more scarce. You should have told him he should get permission first to hunt private property as to not ruin someone elses hunting,then make him feel somewhat invited. We should be ambassadors of the sport. You might even make him a better person.

Offline creekwood

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #32 on: November 06, 2012, 02:49:00 PM »
Originally posted by kill shot:
It's nice to have acerage to hunt to yourself, the more the better. Now days hunting land is getting harder to find. 3 guys hunting 320 acres and not letting that guy hunt there sounds kinda selfish to me. The reason he was probably a jerk was because he sees hunting land becoming more scarce. You should have told him he should get permission first to hunt private property as to not ruin someone elses hunting,then make him feel somewhat invited. We should be ambassadors of the sport. You might even make him a better person.
Respectfully, I completely disagree with "kill shot's" sentiments.

Offline TxAg

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #33 on: November 06, 2012, 05:31:00 PM »
Originally posted by kill shot:
It's nice to have acerage to hunt to yourself, the more the better. Now days hunting land is getting harder to find. 3 guys hunting 320 acres and not letting that guy hunt there sounds kinda selfish to me. The reason he was probably a jerk was because he sees hunting land becoming more scarce. You should have told him he should get permission first to hunt private property as to not ruin someone elses hunting,then make him feel somewhat invited. We should be ambassadors of the sport. You might even make him a better person.
I hope this is sarcasm

Offline Montanawidower

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #34 on: November 06, 2012, 05:51:00 PM »
Yeah not really pickin up what you're laying' down Kill shot.   Tongue in cheek?

Offline Chromebuck

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #35 on: November 06, 2012, 06:04:00 PM »
I'm smellin his chili and ain't buying it...

62" JD Berry Taipan 53@28
60" Super Shrew 2pc 53@28
58" Ed Scott Owl Bow 53@28

Offline Bob Morrison

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #36 on: November 06, 2012, 08:11:00 PM »
Wasn't there a time when they shot trespassers?????
No difference than coming into a mans home uninvited. You just don't do it......

Offline Steve Kendrot

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Re: Finally get to deer hunt... busted trespasser
« Reply #37 on: November 06, 2012, 08:16:00 PM »
When I was growing up, my neighbor Mr Canfield confronted a trespassing hunter on his property. The trespasser told him, "Mr Canfield gave me permission to hunt here." to which he replied, "Well, I'm Mr Canfield and I've never seen  you in my life so get the heck off my property!"

Peoples gots nerve...

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