I just got my new FF string from one of the sponsors. It's a work of art. I measured my existing string (68" HHA longbow) and it was around 64-1/8"-64-1/4" so I told the maker to go with 64-1/4". My existing string is the stock, non-FF, string. I put the new string on and my brace height was around 7-1/2". I untwisted the string as much as I could without it no longer having any twist. I let it sit for a few hours and my brace height is around 6-7/8". My existing string is braced around 6-3/8" which is typically recommend for a 68" HIll style bow. My fear is I ordered a string that is a little short. Out of curiosity I took the new string off and laid it next to my existing string. My existing string is actually nearly an 1" shorter. Now I am scratching my head. They only answer I can come up with is that my non-FF string has some spring to it so it stretches at the point it is braced. I have not shot the new string, if it shoots good with the higher brace fine but my guess is I will need a longer string to get the BH down. Just not sure what length I would need since my non-FF appears to be shorter.