Well all, today was a good day. It has been a tough year with very few deer seen and the only deer within 25 yards was on a dead run. With gun season just around the corner, I had pretty much accepted that this bow season might be a bust. Didn't feel too great about that as I treated myself to a new RER Arroyo and really wanted to break it in this season.
Went out this morning and had high hopes, but after sitting for a while with only one squirrel I decided I better get the phone out and read up on the big election. I know I know, big mistake. Well, herd a little crumple and looked that way and of course there is a fawn on my trail. So if you can imagine me stuffing my phone in my pocket, adjusting my glove and retrieving my bow with a deer less than thirty yards away.
Anyway fortune was smiling on me and the little guy came on in. I picked a spot and took the shot. Either I made a bad shot or the deer spun but the shot was definitely back. I was pretty worried but after calming down I noticed the arrow in the sand and blood all around. Looked a little more and could see a pretty good trail even from my stand. Went ahead and gave it an hour and took up the trail. Long story short there was lots of sign and the deer went about 70 yards before piling up. Definitely not a trophy my Webster's definition but I couldn't be happier. I am thankful for the deer, the opportunity, and a family that supports me. I am also very thankful for a huge 160 grain snuffer that turned a bad shot into an easy trail and probably really saved my season.