Originally posted by Chester Thompson:
My wife and I have been talking about visiting the out-law at Christmas, and staying for a few day between Christmas and New Years, is there any place to shoot (indoor or outdoors) while I am up there? Any places to stump shoot while I am there that I? Any licenses needed (small game?)?
is there any place to shoot (indoor or outdoors) while I am up there?
-I am not sure. Check with "Steveincanton" he would probably know.
Any places to stump shoot while I am there that I?
- Public land close to canton
Berlin lake wildlife area
Beach City Wildlife area
Link to maps---http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home/wild_resourcessubhomepage/WildlifeAreaMaps/NortheastOhioWildlifeAreaMaps/tabid/19711/Default.aspx
Any licenses needed (small game?)?
-Stump shooting on public land I am not sure about. You can get a 3 day tourist license that is valid for everything except turkey,deer and furbearers for $40.00.
Annual nonresident is $125.00
Hope some of this helped.