Went out monday . About the third stand doing some Rat squeels ect. Seen one coming in way out there gets to maybe 150 yards and stays out there just walking around back and forth. It finaly just walked away. Last stand of day got tierd of calling get up to go and one out there at 50-100 yards starts telling me off I would try to crawl closer and it would back up while yelling at me. Went on for quite awhile. At about noon time was walking to a stand and see something twitching. That black thing right by the tree just left of the squirrel bait thing(.White conduit.)
Sneek a bit closer.
Anouther one taking a nap.Nock a broad head . Crawl closer.Take this picture and it gets up and turns to lay back down.
Im starting to shake and my heart is going nuts Im close to take a shot but theres weeds in the way to see the spot to hit.
Crawl closer and I have a clear real nice close up shot . Slam dunk , get him right behind the shoulders , only 15yards or less..
Draw my bow pick that spot , The arrow goes two inches over. It jumps up and hits mach 12 . I sit there beating my bow against the tree. Did not realy beat the bow but felt like it. At least I know where it takes his nap.