I am with Bladepeek.
I met Chad at Kalamazoo, and not only was he a joy to converse with, but as I listened to him converse with others, I became aware of his broadbased apprehension of a number of topics. Remember, apprehension does not mean nervousness, it means awareness. So why didn't I say that to begin with? Chad would.
I bought a River Runner there. Chad mailed it in a great bow sock and added a Holme Made ball cap. The mailing tube had wood blocks at each end to make the tube ovoid. Extra work, extra weight, expensive to ship. He just wanted to make sure that my employer didn't screw up his hard work. Smooth bow, forgiving. I sold it, to pay for a shorter River Runner.
I have nothing but good to say about Chad and his bows, and his work ethic.