You are going to get slammed with info here!
I can give you my 2 cents in regards to my experiences and hope it helps you out a bit:
First, wood arrows help make up the very essence of trad archery....that being said, I wouldnt start with them necessarily if I were you! Only because I'd want to eliminate whatever variables I could with my ammunition....and I believe this can be done with carbon more easily than wood. You have to work out your form, establish it....establish consistant anchor, grip exc....get to shooting with some sort of consistancy and accuracy....figure out the tuning process. Carbon will help make this easier for you. Once you start to figure things out a little, make observations for yourself and gain knowledge from the experienced trad archers, you are ready to try your hand at some properly made wood arrows!!! Wood arrows made properly, can take alot! As was mentioned above, the Gold Tip 3555 would be an excellent choice (I shoot these myself) Every 1/4 you cut off that shaft can make a world of cut carefully! Just guessing, but I'd say if you shoot that 3555 at 30 inches with 200 to 225 grains of total point weight, you could be where you need to be!
As for broadheads....others have told you all you need to know for the 3 blade....VPA! My second choice would be the Woodsman Elite. For 2 blades, I have used the STOS, Simmons and ACE and I like them all. All sharpen well, all do what they are meant to do. Get them VERY VERY sharp!