I do a lot of small game hunting, I actually prefer squirrel hunting to any other kind. I set all of my arrows up to use 125 screw in points specifically so that I can use my favorite small game head and Judo's. I then use 100 grain inserts to bring up the weight up front.
First, don't fletch them all as flu-flu's. Flu-Flu's are great for shots into a tree under 20 yards. Past 20 yards or so, the squirrels will start to dodge your arrows. For ground shots or shots where the squirrel is hanging on a tree trunk, I use regularly fletched arrows.
Second, you'll probably want TWO kinds of heads for hunting. You'll want a couple arrows with a Judo point for shooting in areas that may be grassy and you'll want some arrows with some nice hunting blunts. Don't use a field point, they just aren't as effective.
The best blunt I've used is the RFA Talon followed by the VPA Small Game Thumper. Pictures of both are below for you. Why I really, really like the Talon:
1) It's small (doesn't tear up all the meat like a broadhead) and flies just like field points out of every bow I've tried them on.
2) The cup in the head helps to create massive blunt force trauma which is perfect for squirrel and rabbit.
3) The points at the front of the cup will "grab" whatever they hit so your blunt's force will be absorbed by the critter rather than your arrow glancing off of it on a less than ideal shot.
4) The pyramidal shape will make the heads easier to remove from stumps and help the arrow to skip off the ground rather than burying up under the leaves.
5) Made in the USA from tool steel which is hardened for ultra durability.
When I go out for small game...
If I take my bow quiver I bring:
2 Talon tipped regular arrows
1 Judo tipped regular arrow
1 Talon tipped Flu-Flu
1 Judo tipped Flu-Flu
If I go out with a back quiver I bring:
8 Talon tipped regular arrows
2 Judo tipped regular arrow
1 Talon tipped Flu-Flu
1 Judo tipped Flu-Flu