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Author Topic: Hunting White-tails in PA....need some help  (Read 360 times)

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Hunting White-tails in PA....need some help
« on: December 02, 2012, 03:37:00 PM »
I have been hunting PA for over 32 years. I have NOT been an overly successful deer slayer, in fact I know I have not taken more than 5 deer total. I have always hunted a place near Mcveytown on what used to be a farm that my dad and uncle bought back when I was 13. Anyway, my uncle was killed on that farm in 1981, about a year after they bought the farm. My dad worked two shifts 11-7 then he lanscaped from 8-5 most of his life. Retiring in 1998, he died from complications (infection) 3 days after open heart surgery, in 1999. It takes me about 1:45 to get to my hunting spot, and the deer there are few and far between. I am looking for a new place to hunt. Now, I have an auto immune disorder that prevents me from walking too far (and I always physically pay for ANY time afield due to the disorder). I want to know how to begin to do this new search. I live in Middleburg, about an hour due north of Harrisburg. I am looking to find a spot where there are some deer. I have a 14 year old daughter that I want to take hunting and I want to get her someplace where the deer are. I am NOT asking for a handout. I don't want to know your favorite spot. As I mentioned earlier, I have NOT EVER come close to to put a hurting on the PA deer herd. How do I go about beginning to find a new place??? I have been hunting the same place (basically) since I have began hunting. I would appreciate any advice or help you could offer. I am lost without dad aound, and not being in the best health has put a hinderence on my daughter as well. I will be graduating from Bible college this month (I have been blest to get help in affording to be trained in a new career, since my health has failed and I was unable to work in my old career).
If you are able to offer advice, it would be very much appreciated.

God bless, Brad

To God be the glory, great things He has done!!!!!

Offline Doc Nock

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Re: Hunting White-tails in PA....need some help
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2012, 06:46:00 PM »
Hello, Brad...

Good to hear that you're still pursuing the ministry... good luck with that!

As for hunting...in PA? ha!

Every person here who hunts this state will either tell you love stories or hate ones.

I'd start NOW to knock on doors...find that small woodlot where you can drive up fairly close, but the deer snuggle into when the pressure starts...

with the patchwork of posted vs. accessible land, there is no one way...one place what works, won't another...due to access and pressure.

The day where deer congregated in a woodlot and came out like clockwork seems to have changed with the liberal doe hunting.

Good luck. Persevere and tell your family the old guy said, "Hey!"
The words "Child" and "terminal illness" should never share the same sentence! Those who care-do, others question!

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Offline RedShaft

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Re: Hunting White-tails in PA....need some help
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2012, 09:06:00 PM »
Brad, go to Google and search.. acme mapper 2.0 and search your address. and at the top you will see you can change views. click on terrain view. it will show you the landscape and show state game lands in green. look for flat areas and hunt close to parking lots and places guys drive by... you mite not be in the hot spot but these spots get overlooked and can provide you with action! good luck
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