A few days ago I was in a local shop and found a green Kodiak hunter, insert in front, I believe a raised silver coin, and blue stripe..S/N KT86879...60" 45#. Seems like a reasonable price. It is in great shape...no stress lines at all. Only a few rub marks. The shop owner said he got it from the original owner who had shot about 150 arrows total and lost interest and stored it properly till now.
I shot it and I can't believe how great it shoots...I was amazed. I want it.
My question is...how well will it stand up to a lot of shooting after all these years? If I get it I will make it my main target and small game bow and it could get shot a lot.
Can a bow this old...but in great shape...handle say a few hundred arrow a week?
Thanks in advance for any replies.