I'd suggest that, if as you say you are "just learning about trad archery," to just shoot your arrows! If you are getting good flight out of the 135 grain points ( field or judos), at this point do not stress over spine. Put the HH broad heads on your current shafts and shoot them -- you might be surprised!
Again, if you are just getting started, you might have the cart before the horse. It is VERY difficult for most to shoot a 60# bow to start with and learning on one is a REAL challenge!! Paper tuning is problematic for trad shooters to begin with (most often totally unreliable). Your form and shot execution will have a much larger impact on arrow flight at this point than any amount of tuning will help.
You will find as you get more accustomed to shooting trad, that your spine requirements will probably change as your shot execution improves; so at this point just shoot what you have and don't worry about spine. You can and will get to a point where you are shooting good (better) groups, that will be the time to refine your tuning ( spine, etc.).