Headed out back for an 90 minute sit. Woods very noisy but I eased in as quietly as possible to one of my ambush spots.
Settled in, glassed an over grown field and relaxed. Wasn't there 30 minutes when I decided to grunt and rake the leaves to simulate some chasing.
Out of nowhere I hear the sound of a deer trotting in...couldn't have been more than 5 minutes after I stopped. The white muzzle and yellow antlers at 40 yds told me to get ready. The buck circled slightly but the JV Gel had him convinced something was around.
The buck slowly made his way in to about 15 yds but I never drew Lefty back. No stickers....a true 4 pt with a 16" wide and 12" high rack. Every area here, except one county is QDM....3 pts or better on one side. He surveyed the area..didn't like what he saw and trotted away.
Total time in the woods....45 minutes. when he left, I said enough excitement and eased out, headed home. Another good hunt to put in my memory bank.