Originally posted by Thare1774:
The best weight tubes are made by PSE for their Black Mamba arrows. Not a traditional tube and they have a felt like coating that keeps em from slipping. Never had a nock come out using these tube. I bet you can find em on the auction site or direct from PSE.
I appologize for contradicting you openly sir, but I have been pelted with nocks from Black Mambas with weight tubes installed. When I used them regularly I had to keep a box of nocks with me just to get through a practice session. I have had the entire tube come out on two occasions and it was an interesting feeling to have an arrow that shoots back. If I were to use these tubes again I would apply some glue to the front end, reinstall them and swab the nock area with denatured alcohol. As is they are a no go.
To other gentlemen who claim the softening of spine or no effect on dunamic spine from internal additions:
I humbly beg to differ based upon my experiences. The only way I could conceive this being a possibility is if the material added was allowed to flop around inside and was not snug against the inner walls if the shaft. If it was snug, it would resist/impede the flexion of the arrow and thus enhance the recovery of the arrow from paradox and effectively increase the dynamic spine.
Caveat: All of my experience with both Black Mambas, their weight tubes, and weight added has been with bows around 100#@28". I have not always drawn 28" so to be candid the weight drawn was in a range of 85 to 100# at a length of 26-28". Your results may vary with other weight ranges and draw lengths.
Best Regards,
Forrest Halley