Being fairly new to trad bow tuning since I switched to wheel bows in 1976 I am sure that there are a lot of guys on here who can help you more than me.
That said, if you want to go to a physically bigger (heavier) broad head, why not just remove the 100 grain brass inserts from your current arrows and shoot a heavier head? Whatever head you chose, just match it with the weight insert you need to get back to that 200 grain front load you currently have?
I just built some 340 spine arrows for my 50@29" setup. I left them 31" long and put 190 grain heads up front. In my limited shooting with this new setup, it seems like it is working OK. I may have to back up to 400 spine arrows but hopefully not, as I like the weight the 340`s give me.
Hopefully this helps you……