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Author Topic: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?  (Read 558 times)

Offline 44charlie

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Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« on: January 08, 2013, 09:24:00 AM »
Just wondering how some of you guys like to hunt bunnys w/o dogs. We sometimes take turns being "the dog" but how do you hunt them alone. Particularly on old snow that's full of tracks as opposed to fresh snow? And what about those bunnys that flush? Do you pursue? How?

Penny for your thoughts,thanks!

Offline twitchstick

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2013, 09:38:00 AM »
I like to still hunt them moving slow looking for one feeding or sunning themselves. If they flush I do prusue them, if I don't get a shot off. If it is a cottontail most times they don't flush to far. I like to head where I seen them last and glass(with bino's) the brush real careful where I had last seen them.

Offline Shedrock

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2013, 09:57:00 AM »

I like to still hunt, looking very closely for them sitting in the brush. If I jump one, I try stalking into range for a shot. 15 bunnies so far this winter, it's been pretty good. Last year I didn't even see 15 rabbits.
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Offline joe skipp

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2013, 09:58:00 AM »
We have many briar patches and small brush piles here that the bunnies love. I have found that rabbits tend to face the sun when nestled in.

I ease around following tracks or hiding places that look good. If I can't see the critter sitting then ease behind and step on the pile a few times.
I find once they bolt, they usually stop maybe 20 yds out, especially if the cover is fairly thick. Just hope they stop in an opening.

I never pursue a flushed rabbit. Makes them head for the nearest burrow or stonewall fence. It's hard hunting alone but real fun. Especially when they bolt out and run past your feet and you never get a shot off... From a few years back...

"Neal...is this heaven?" "No Piute but we are dam close". Top of the Mtn in Medicine Bow Nat Forest.

Offline Tom Leemans

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2013, 10:22:00 AM »
On cold windy days, you can find them snuggled up against the base of a tree or power pole on the downwind side.
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Offline statikpunk

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2013, 10:35:00 AM »
I love hunting cottontails!  just hunt them the same way you would still hunt for deer, nice and slow with lots of stopping and glassing.  if you just start busting brush you will walk right past them, you have to stop to get them nervous enough to make a short dash.  when glassing pay particular attention to little overhangs in the brush, old junk piles and broke down cars things like that are often rabbit gold mines. and if you do spook one up and it takes off slowly just make a small circle in its direction of travel, chances are you will see him again, I have hunted single rabbits for hours using this technique, if they are not too spooked they will not go far and will just make big circles.
cheers and good luck!
 IMAG0450  by  statikpunk , on Flickr

Offline Canadabowyer

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2013, 10:49:00 AM »
For our snowshoe rabbits we just find a place with lots of tracks and then sit and glass with low power binoculars under every brush sheltered spot.Its amazing how they show up once you see one.  Bob
"non illegitimus carborundum est"

Offline statikpunk

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2013, 10:50:00 AM »
to reiterate on the "lots of stopping" point. I often have to remind myself to stop often. and the rabbits are constantly reminding me that I dont stop enough.  just last month I was hunting and I stopped at a spot were I often jump rabbits (rabbits are creatures of habbit and you will often see them in the same places day after day) but didnt jump anything so I dinked around for a while and across the creek bottom from me there was an old oil filter half burried in the dirt, so just for fun I shot it and when I hit it it made a loud "dunk" noise and bam a cottontail literally busted within a foot of me. He sat there the whole time (probably seven minutes or so) trusting in his natural camo to keep him safe from harm.  situations like this often make me wonder how many rabbits I walk right by.

Online Roadkill

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2013, 02:37:00 PM »
as been said by the above, Tracks, find paths they use often. then pee spots, stalk slowly, Pee spots tell you how fresh your sign is as it will fade in snow, or dry up on ground if old.  I use binos and look under everything. Seriously, kneel down and look .  Stop every few steps as it will open new areas to glass.  Ranchers junk piles are great.  I got 5 two Sundays ago.  If there are cattle around, I join up and drift along with them.  Rabbits think I am a cow and wait for an arrow.  aim at the head, if you miss, the passing arrow often stops them for a quick followup.  statik has it nailed, just move into cover with tracks and freeze.  they get nervous and move.  called a yote last Sunday and he hung up at 18 yards in thick stuff.  I did find an arrow from last year!
love to hunt the bunnies
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Offline hedgerowhuntr

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2013, 02:49:00 PM »
HERE BUNNY... BUNNY... BUNNY... BUNNY...   :biglaugh:

Offline Izzy

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2013, 02:53:00 PM »
I just look for heavy sign and then slow down. If I dont see them before they bust I keep on them.

    I jumped 4 today, solo without my dog and caught up to 2 of them 3 separate times til I lost them to property that I dont have permission to hunt. Ive always wanted to sit em out on their runs but the explorer in me prevents it and I get up after only a few minutes.

Offline Izzy

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2013, 03:06:00 PM »
This run here is all bunny activity. I followed it for a ways but there were a pair of yotes in that woodlot last night and found where they killed on.

Offline Arwin

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2013, 04:24:00 PM »
Tracks and poop, poop and tracks!! Oh yeah, thick nasty thorny stuff helps too, LOL!    :thumbsup:  
Just one more step please!

Some dude with a stick and string chasing things.

Offline Goshawkin

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2013, 04:37:00 PM »
2 or 3 days after a snow,creep along a hillside of rabbit cover that is getting nice full sun. I always seem to do best from 10am-dark

Offline Shedrock

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2013, 08:56:00 PM »

I don't know why everyone seems too think you need snow too hunt rabbits, and coyotes for that matter. The rabbits are there with no snow on the ground as well. Here's a few from this past fall, no snow, no dogs.
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Offline Blaino

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2013, 09:25:00 PM »
Originally posted by Shedrock:
I don't know why everyone seems too think you need snow too hunt rabbits, and coyotes for that matter. The rabbits are there with no snow on the ground as well. Here's a few from this past fall, no snow, no dogs.
Tracy - what kind of head is that.
"It's not the trophy, but the race. It's not the quarry,
but the chase."

Offline Shedrock

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2013, 11:24:00 PM »
That is a Red Feather Archery "Talon". They are a sponsor here. Really good small game heads.
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Offline Hopewell Tom

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2013, 07:42:00 AM »
Sneaking around, slowly. Find the thick stuff.
Prefer no snow, kinda lopsided though, white rabbit, brown everything else. Like the binoc idea, will try that next time.
We're in "rabbit rebuild" here. Finally starting to see a few around, but don't want to kill them yet. Next few years should be good though.

Wendell Berry

Offline Dimondback

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Re: Dogless Rabbit Hunting Tactics?
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2013, 07:46:00 AM »
Man that looks like fun!
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