Having finished up my work for the week on a Friday late last fall, searched Craigslist for fun and couldn't believe it when I found an original Silvertip made by Paul for sale in Texas (I'm in Michigan). Called the number expecting it to go nowhere, but the seller was an older gentleman selling off his collection (he was the original owner).
He originally he had two complete Silvertips, but over the years misplaced one of the risers and couldn't find it, so agreed to sell me the one remaining with two sets of limbs (73# @ 29" and 65# @ 29"). He had a great wealth of knowledge, and told me the stories of taking a mountain grizzly, Alaskan moose and a mountain lion in Idaho with it.
Nervously sent off a Cashier's check, and less than a week later, got the package. I was like a kid at Christmas - until I drew it back the first time and realized the step up in poundage was bigger than I thought. :D
After shooting it in my basement this winter, I'd given some thought to selling it to fund another project...glad I came to my senses!!!!
Still needs some tweaking (both me and the bow setup), but I think I can figure it out before season this fall.
Specs: 62" Schafer Silvertip takedown made by Paul with two sets of limbs (#1193 - 73#, and #1321 - 65# @ 29").
Question - is there any way to find out the year this bow was made???