I too can vouch for Onestringer's Limbstations (have a set of copperheads on a bow right now), they look quite nice are easy to apply, hold up well, and can be easily changed or removed all together if you change your mind. That being said, I have also used the "artificial snakeskin backing" available at 3Rivers. It is a printed linen cloth and is applyed much the same way you would real skins (pretty easy really), only drawback if any, it's permanent. I have used both the copperhead and diamondback on wooden flatbows. I personally think the diamondback looks quite realistic and is difficult to tell from real skins without very close inspection and the copperheads not bad either, just not quite as realistic. I'm pretty sure I have a close up photo of the wooden bows on my phone and would be more than willing to text or email that photo to you if you shoot me a PM with contact info (just be patient with me, I sleep days and work nights). Hope this helps.