I know there are some guides in KY, I see them on TV shows. Most are in western Kentucky.
If you go to KDFWR's website you can find information. If you want to see lots of deer you should concentrate on Zone 1 counties -- these are counties with more than 40 deer per square mile. East KY with its 93% forested landscape contains the state's lowest deer denssities, except for the NE corner which is better.
I know another operator in Harrison County which is south of Cincinnati.
Last year more than 65 KY bucks made Boone & Crockett.
A neat place to hunt is Land Between the Lakes between Lake Barkley and KY Lake just north of TN and west of Murray, KY. This is a huge public tract which has a long hunting history. Even Fred Bear hunted this area when deer hunting was scarce in KY. They have lots of campgrounds, convenient access and excellent wildlife management programs. I've never hunted there because I don't travel to hunt in my "home" state.