Vig. this came up in another thread. Can someone smarter than me do some research.
It was pointed out that there is more linear inches of feather using 4 fletch, but I have to believe that due to the shape of those feathers, this is misleading.
I am thinking that It is not the length of feather at arrow level that steers the arrow, but the stuff sticking up. the area of the feather. I believe there is ample more area using 3 fletch 5" than 4 fletch 4". Anyone up to the challenge ? Since they are not square or actual triangles, it is above my pea brain to calculate areas.
Weight comparison may not work, since the quill of the feather is probably heavier than the vane.
How about a photocopy of a 5" feather and a 4" feather. That way all feathers are the same thickness (weight) and place 4 4" feathers on one side of a balance and 3-5" copies on the other ?