the north maybe a bit different
In winter, Larger high pressures mean cold weather -40 -50 stuff. Moose will holdup on a approaching high, If weather remain cold, lets say 3 to 5 days, Moose will become very active,
With an approaching low, or windy and unsettled weather, Moose holdup in heavy cover.
Animals like sheep,caribou and bears, do what they do high or low. The only true factor is, animals are most active coldest part of the day ( remember we have 24hr sunlight in summer}
Studied the moon phases with rutting patterns, C'ant see that moon maters, Moose rut same time ever year, so do the sheep, so do the caribou, Hot, cold, or high ,low Rut still happens same time ever year
What is interesting with the moon, When trapping and moon is full, Get very little if any fur. There is very little if any predator sign, The darkest phase of moon is the best trapping.