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Author Topic: Lets talk barometric pressure and how it effects game movement  (Read 714 times)

Offline RedShaft

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Lets talk barometric pressure and how it effects game movement
« on: February 21, 2013, 10:41:00 PM »
I took day off from ice fshing and went in town with my wife, and knew there is bad weather comming tomorrow. Low and behold there was deer and turkeys out grouped up feeding very early all over place. It got me thinking about game movements N d weather and barometric pressure. I know some of you out there really know your stuff better than me.  Sooo let's hear your thoughts on it, and also what u consider high and low in numbers and wher you find these numbers on a daily basis. And any finding you come across for us weather rookies!!
Rough Country.. The Hunters Choice

Offline Geezer

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Re: Lets talk barometric pressure and how it effects game movement
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2013, 11:21:00 PM »
My experience relates to hunting a lot of elk (and not whitetails) but I think a drop in the barometric pressure is just as important, maybe even more, than moon phases.  The BP drops a day or so before a storm arrives (creating a vacuum in the air that 'sucks' moisture into the region) and elk are generally out earlier in the day and for longer periods.  My opinion is they sense the shift in the air and know that wind is going to pick up, which, in my opinion they don't like all that much.  With a corresponding drop in temperature and an increase in moisture they know (sense?) they may be off their feed for a period longer than normal. At these times they need to put some heat generating calories into their bellies...thus they are out earlier and for longer.  My preference is to hunt elk in late September during a period of dropping BP - the change in pressure and lowering temperatures will kick the rut up a dozen notches.  I've seen it go from absolutely no bugling to elk rut craziness in 24 hours.
Colorado Traditional Archers Society
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Offline koger

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Re: Lets talk barometric pressure and how it effects game movement
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2013, 09:32:00 AM »
I have pretty bad arthritis in several broken bones, man do I know when the bp drops ro rises! I read an article about a year ago that stated that all wild ungulates, deer, elk etc, had the same chemical in their joints natrually, that we do with arthritis etc, and when bp changes occur, it makes them have to get up and move to relieve the pressure/pain. This was a notable magazine, either Field & Stream or Deer/Deer Hunting.
samuel koger

Offline Blackhawk

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Re: Lets talk barometric pressure and how it effects game movement
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2013, 12:33:00 PM »
An incoming storm/change in weather that results in a drop of BP is a trigger for game animals/birds to move early and often...IMO.  

I even observe increased activity in my back yard with rabbit/squirrel/bird activity and feeding when a storm is predicted within a day or two.
Lon Scott

Offline pruiter

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Re: Lets talk barometric pressure and how it effects game movement
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2013, 12:38:00 PM »
Would like to here more on this. very interesting, and what roll does moon play?
May you have interesting times

66" Dywer original  long bow 55pds@28"
66" J.D. Berry Vipor  longbow  71pds@28"
60" JD Berry Renassaince, longbow 50pds @27"

Offline Cavalry Scout

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Re: Lets talk barometric pressure and how it effects game movement
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2013, 01:45:00 PM »
I agree completely!  No doubt that game moves more with oncoming weather changes.  Moon phase is a good start. Way down here in So. Ga. the deer will move a lot when the moon is out but, their daylight movement goes way down!
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Re: Lets talk barometric pressure and how it effects game movement
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2013, 03:41:00 PM »
Before a weather system comes in deer and especially turkeys get out to feed.  In Iowa in October and November when the barometer goes up and it is nice out, on busy private land and most public land the game move as well. They move out of the area and out of the way of all of the 'hunters' that come out on nice days.

Offline pruiter

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Re: Lets talk barometric pressure and how it effects game movement
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2013, 04:06:00 PM »
the north maybe a bit different

 In winter, Larger high pressures mean cold weather -40 -50  stuff. Moose will holdup on a approaching high, If weather remain cold, lets say 3 to 5 days, Moose will become very active,  
 With an approaching low, or windy and unsettled weather, Moose holdup in heavy cover.
 Animals like sheep,caribou and bears, do what they do  high or low. The only true factor is, animals are most active coldest part of the day ( remember we have 24hr sunlight in summer}

 Studied the moon phases with rutting patterns, C'ant see that moon maters, Moose rut same time ever year, so do the sheep, so do the caribou, Hot, cold, or high ,low  Rut still happens same time ever year

 What is interesting with the moon, When trapping and moon is full,  Get very little if any fur.  There is very little if any predator sign, The darkest phase of moon is the best trapping.
May you have interesting times

66" Dywer original  long bow 55pds@28"
66" J.D. Berry Vipor  longbow  71pds@28"
60" JD Berry Renassaince, longbow 50pds @27"

Offline pruiter

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Re: Lets talk barometric pressure and how it effects game movement
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2013, 04:47:00 PM »
the north maybe a bit different

 In winter, Larger high pressures mean cold weather -40 -50  stuff. Moose will holdup on a approaching high, If weather remain cold, lets say 3 to 5 days, Moose will become very active,  
 With an approaching low, or windy and unsettled weather, Moose holdup in heavy cover.
 Animals like sheep,caribou and bears, do what they do  high or low. The only true factor is, animals are most active coldest part of the day ( remember we have 24hr sunlight in summer}

 Studied the moon phases with rutting patterns, C'ant see that moon maters, Moose rut same time ever year, so do the sheep, so do the caribou, Hot, cold, or high ,low  Rut still happens same time ever year

 What is interesting with the moon, When trapping and moon is full,  Get very little if any fur.  There is very little if any predator sign, The darkest phase of moon is the best trapping.
May you have interesting times

66" Dywer original  long bow 55pds@28"
66" J.D. Berry Vipor  longbow  71pds@28"
60" JD Berry Renassaince, longbow 50pds @27"

Offline pruiter

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Re: Lets talk barometric pressure and how it effects game movement
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2013, 05:43:00 PM »
sorry must have doubled clicked
May you have interesting times

66" Dywer original  long bow 55pds@28"
66" J.D. Berry Vipor  longbow  71pds@28"
60" JD Berry Renassaince, longbow 50pds @27"

Offline Slickhead

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Re: Lets talk barometric pressure and how it effects game movement
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2013, 07:26:00 PM »
Really never thought much about it till I was out 2 years ago and a storm was forcasted for the next day.
Squirrels were crazy. Gathering nuts left and right.Almost running over me.

At that time I knew that when I want squirrels I need to watch the weather close!

Offline buckeye_hunter

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Offline snakebit40

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Re: Lets talk barometric pressure and how it effects game movement
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2013, 11:56:00 AM »
Good stuff! I'm going to start keeping a journal this year with barometric pressure, moon phase, temp,ect. and hopefully start seeing patterns occur.
Jon Richards

Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”.
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