G'day all,
Well just the other day I was out practice shooting in some sand dunes close by my place and the thought crossed my mind...
If I shoot say a 63# recurve with an arrow weight of 10 grains per bow weight - that being 630 grains - and then, on another day shoot a 73# recurve with the same amount of arrow weight, 730 grains... If, all things being equal, and shooting well here... Should my arrows always have the same arch in trajectory ?
The reason I ask this is that I have always aimed at having just that, 10 grains per bow weight for all my arrows, both hunting and on the practice range. And it's only now that I have bumped up my arrow weight (Grizzlystiks with The big Grizzly BH's up front ) ... That I have noticed I need to adjust my shooting for these heavier arrows.
I may have already answered my own question and I am not very good with numbers as my brain has troubles with them so I thought I'd ask the smarter people of trad gang. In saying that.... I am pretty good at Crossfit...lol.
Cheers guys,