I live in an urban area of townhouses and single family homes in Northern Virginia and have an old farm pond in back of my place. Over the last two weekends I have seen chasing and rutting activity. I have a group of 8-10 does/yearling fawns bedded up around the edges of this 1 1/2 acre pond surrounded on two sides by townhouses and on the other by a 4 lane road. The other end funnels into a creek bed that travels a half mile or so to a bigger wood lot. Anyway, this 6 point has been chasing and attempting to mount this one particular doe that has a small fawn with her. I'm guessing the doe was a late fawn herself and her cycle is just later than most. I have heard this happens, but had not seen it before.
I wonder if the urban setting makes a difference, or this happens as much in 'the real woods'?