The Yosemite 6 x 30 is a good inexpensive choice for several reasons: Under $100. You really don't need any more magnification than 6 or 8 in the deep woods. The 6 x 30 gives you a pretty wide field of view.
The Vortex line has really awesome customer service and they can fit your budget in a real nice 8 x 42. But you can also find a lot of other good choices within your budget in a 8 X 42. Which IMO is the best all-around combination of magnification, field of view, and light gathering properties. I use mine for deer and elk hunting.
Try to stick to a proven brand in case you have issues down the road. In your price range that would be: Pentax, Nikon, Leupold, Konus, Vortex, Minox, Steiner and Brunton. As you can tell most of these companies are Japanese. If you want American-made, it is limited to Brunton and Leupold.
Many consider the very finest glass to be made by Swarovski, Leica and Zeiss. But all of these are beyond your current budget. However use them as comparisons to the ones within your budget when shopping. You will see what you are possibly missing then.
The bottom line is to try as many units as you can BEFORE buying. The more you look and compare, the more you will learn.