Got a new dalaa from 3R. 17" dalaa riser and carbon foam longbow limbs 50#@28", long length to make a 64" bow. This is my first time with a bow like this, all my others are wood bows. I really liked the idea of a heavier riser, so I decided to try the dalaa.
I also ordered one of 3R high performance laser strings. It came with cat whiskers installed, but after 6 shots, both had fallen off of the string! I installed more whiskers and kept trying to tune the bow.
I shoot 30" arrows, and this bow seemed to like 400 spine, so I tried my GT 5575 with 175 gr up front and my easton 2117 with 125 gr up front. Both arrows fly well and without fletching they indicate very slightly stiff. With fletching they're dead on.
The problem is that this bow sounds noisy to me. It makes a definite "thum" sound no matter where I move the silencers or set the brace. The recommended brace is 7-73/4, and i tried different spots up and down that range. Also, I got one of those Tight spot quivers to mount on it and that thing makes a slight buzzing noise from the hood when I pluck the string or shoot!
After my last shooting session, I noticed that the limb screws (on the belly side of the bow) had loosened due to the vibration. I tightened them and after a dozen or so more shots, they had loosened somewhat again. I also removed the shelf screw and installed a NAP center rest to see if that might quiet it down, and didn't notice any difference.
I called 3R, and didn't get much help. The bow owners manual didn't have any info written in it on the "factory settings" page, so they basically told me to do what I was doing. They did say that the bow would be noisier than some wood bows.
I was just wondering if anyone has had similar experience, and what they did to correct, before I give up and send her back to 3R.