Hey all,
I'd like to ask a favor of you fellas. How about posting some pics of your Possibles Bags, Haversacks and similar packs that you all use to carry your gear and water.
I'm looking for ideas on how I can get the things I want/need to take afield in the most manageable pack possible. I would prefer a Possibles Bag or Shoulder Side bag to carry everything, but I realize I might have to end up carrying my arrows on my bow in a lightweight bow quiver. I've never used a bow quiver and don't know how I would like it.
I don't have to carry a lot of stuff afield at all, just a few necessities, but one of them is water. Can't go far at all without drink. Every time I think about a Possibles Bag I come up with the reality of how I would make it work with the needs I have for carrying water with me. I don't want a bag on my side where my water bottles or BOTA BAG is slip-sliding all around the inside of it. I haven't seen very many, if any, Possibles Bags that have water bottle holders.
That puts me in the Tactical Type Shoulder Bags that do have the separate compartments as well as water bottle holders.
I have also thought about a pack that has a water bladder built in. I've never used one. The ones I have seen that have possibilities all seem to have ample storage capabilities but to access some of your stuff you have to take the pack off and unzip to get to it. Like if you have your Binos in your pack and you want to take a look around, you just can't reach down and grab them, or if you want to snap a quick picture of something interesting, you have to get into your zippered area where you have it stowed.
Anyway, hopefully you are seeing my point and my frustration at trying to find a solution. If I knew I would like a lightweight bow mounted quiver it would make things easier as I could just use that to carry my arrows from here on out, but I have never even touched one, let alone used one on my bow to see how it feels.
So if you don't mind, how about posting some pics of your Possibles Bags, Haversacks, Side Shoulder Bags, Packs with Water Bladders and so forth. I'd like to see how you solved your needs of carrying a small amount of gear and water....and possibly arrows.
I'll be interested to see what you all have came up with.
If you have any tips or suggestions, feel free to post those as well. I always like to get ideas from others that have figured it out.
If you too are trying to come up with something to carry your gear afield with water, you might want to take a look at the MAXPEDITION bags. Go to
www.maxpedition.com and click on the VERSIPACKS link. You'll see a variety of side bags that give you the ability to carry your gear and water along with your CCW pistol. These bags are what I am currently leaning towards using.
Thanks all for your time and help.