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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Bowfishing arrows??? What do you use?  (Read 508 times)

Offline Bowhunter4life

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Bowfishing arrows??? What do you use?
« on: March 18, 2013, 11:42:00 PM »
I putting together a Bowfishing rig.  The bow I've picked to use is right at 62# at my draw of just under 30", and I'll be using a AMS Pro Retriever Reel.  Which arrow do you use?  What weight are you shooting?  And any general information will be helpful.  It has been a long time since I took to the water with my bow...  And now that I'm looking to purchase there are a lot more options out there now then the last time I did this!

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Offline Stone Knife

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Re: Bowfishing arrows??? What do you use?
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2013, 04:36:00 AM »
I just use fiberglass but I'm only drawing 45#, You might want to try a carbon fish arrow. I like the AMS or Muzzy carp point best and make sure your using a safety slide system of some brand.
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Offline ishoot4thrills

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Re: Bowfishing arrows??? What do you use?
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2013, 06:14:00 AM »
I just use the white fiberglass arrows and I shoot around 48# draw weight. I also use the AMS safety slides on my arrows. I cut the rubber fletching off of my arrows too. They're not needed and sometimes the rubber fletching can cause the arrow to plane away from the intended target when it hits the water. I carry a file with me for touching-up the points because rocks are abundant in our rivers and lakes and rocks can mess up a point quickly. Don't forget your polarized sunglasses!

58" JK Traditions Kanati Longbow
Ten Strand D10 String
Kanati Bow Quiver
35/55 Gold Tip Pink Nugents @ 30"
3 X 5" Feathers
19.9% FOC
49# @ 26.75"
165 FPS @ 10.4 GPP (510 gr. hunting arrow)
171 FPS @ 9.7 GPP (475 gr. 3D arrow)
3 Fingers Under

Offline toddster

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Re: Bowfishing arrows??? What do you use?
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2013, 09:06:00 AM »
I have always used a full length fiberglass arrow, with either sureshot point or little stinger(I think the two best points and tried them all).  Now why a full length fiberglass arrow?  Well consider what you doing, you are one shooting with a string tied to the back of the arrow (or slide).  Two and more important, the arrow is penatrating into the water (a more dense surface than the air).  then once in water need to penatrate fish.  So a 35-45# bow with full length arrow with fish barb should be able to harvest a fish down to 2 to 3 feet.  Don't forget to Aim Low.

Offline robtattoo

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Re: Bowfishing arrows??? What do you use?
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2013, 09:26:00 AM »
Jeff, I know they're a little more expensive, but I've found the Yellowjacket arrows tend to shoot a lot better from my fishing recurves (Pretty much the same specs as yours; 60-66#@31")

I shoot either Muzzy points, either Carp or Gar, doesn't really matter which, or the Cajun Long Barb points. However, when it comes to replacement tips, I always, always use the Cajuns, simply because they're 3/8" longer & I can get more sharpenings out of 'em!

I gave up on Retreivers a few years ago & went with Muzzy spinners. The problem with the retriever is that you can't actually, well... retrieve a decent sized fish with them. You have to handline it to the boat or bank & then sort out the tangled mass of line tying your feet together.
When the action is thick & fast (more often than not) I want to be able to reel in a fish, knock it off the arrow & be ready for another shot ASAP.
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Offline MOFISH

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Re: Bowfishing arrows??? What do you use?
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2013, 09:41:00 AM »
Yellowjacket arrows will out perform fiberglass under all conditions especially at your draw weight. My setup is 50# shooting off the shelf, yellowjacket shafts with Muzzy carp tips and AMS slides and AMS Retriever reel. I have used spincast reels also but prefer the retriever with the high capacity bottle.

Offline Goshawkin

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Re: Bowfishing arrows??? What do you use?
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2013, 10:00:00 AM »
American arrow's "Ever True-Piranha"
I bought a few of these years ago. I don't know if they even make them anymore? They work great out of my DH Hunter with a retreiver reel. Used to have a DH Mamba set up the same also,but sold the bow. Arrows worked great out of both setups,bows are 65#@28"

Offline Bowhunter4life

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Re: Bowfishing arrows??? What do you use?
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2013, 05:04:00 PM »
I was leaning towards the Red Hornet shaft, but that is good to hear that the Yellowjacket shaft will work at that weight...

Thanks all for the responses, helps a bunch!
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Offline Scooter Trash

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Re: Bowfishing arrows??? What do you use?
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2013, 09:20:00 PM »
I mostly use a Retriever,  I'm also shooting around 65#.

  I started out with the Ever-Tru arrow.  Now I'm using the Muzzy Predator arrow.  I'ts basically the same arrow.

  Depending on what I'm going after the points are either the Stingray or Muzzy Gar point.

  I do have some of the Carbon Mags. I gave them to a buddy. I couldn't get them to fly out of any bows over 55#.

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