Jeff, I know they're a little more expensive, but I've found the Yellowjacket arrows tend to shoot a lot better from my fishing recurves (Pretty much the same specs as yours; 60-66#@31")
I shoot either Muzzy points, either Carp or Gar, doesn't really matter which, or the Cajun Long Barb points. However, when it comes to replacement tips, I always, always use the Cajuns, simply because they're 3/8" longer & I can get more sharpenings out of 'em!
I gave up on Retreivers a few years ago & went with Muzzy spinners. The problem with the retriever is that you can't actually, well... retrieve a decent sized fish with them. You have to handline it to the boat or bank & then sort out the tangled mass of line tying your feet together.
When the action is thick & fast (more often than not) I want to be able to reel in a fish, knock it off the arrow & be ready for another shot ASAP.