I've known Dick, and his tribe, a very short time in the grand order of things. You will not find more genuine and sincere people. I feel grateful for the time I have spent with the Robertsons, and look forward to the next time I see them.
I shot the Wolfer that Dick auctioned off at the BHA before Yote had the finish on it. I was there the Friday that Dick, Yote, and Ryan did the force draw curve on it, and yes it is stack free to 31" Like most 58" bows though, you will notice more finger pinch than you would on a 60" bow. That said, the Wolfer is a badass bow, with a great feel. Within the first 5 arrows, I felt at home with it, and had no problems working over the bag in the back of the shop with it. It didn't get chronographed, but I'm telling ya' It's fast enough

Great little bow. I'm sure the other 34 will be lifetime hunting partners for the people that buy them.