It is time to apply for your Kansas Deer tags. Here is an excerpt from the Caney Creek website. Found under the News link.
Please apply prior to April 26th to assure your submitted in time for the draw.
By-Jerry Meacham
April 30th is the deadline for applying for your Kansas, Non-resident, Either Sex, Whitetail Deer Tag. Boy, that is a mouthful isn’t it! You may apply online at the Kansas Wildlife and Parks Website: Applications can also be made by phone at 620-672-0728. Your tag will cost 322.50. Don’t accidentally apply for an antlerless deer tag! The giveaway is that if the price is 77.00 instead of the 322.00 for the buck deer tag you will realize you are making a mistake. Be aware that you must pick a weapon type at time of application. In other words, select the season you will be hunting such as: Archery, Muzzlelaoder, or Firearms. At the time of application you must also select the “deer management unit” that you will be hunting. The land that we hunt is in UNIT 12. Be aware that there is a “adjoining unit” option available to you at the time of application for your deer tag. This option allows you to apply for two units as long as the units physically touch one another. By following the unit selections that I provide here you will quarantee that you draw your deer tag.
1st choice—-Unit 11 and Unit 12.
2nd choice—-Unit 12 and Unit 11.
3rd choice—-Unit 14 and Unit 12.
4th choice—-Unit 13 and Unit 12.
Make sure you understand that every choice you make must contain Unit 12 as one of the pair of units. When the tag is issued it will allow hunting in each of the two units in the pair. Once more at the risk of repeating myself we are ONLY HUNTING IN UNIT 12, the series of two unit choices is simply a way of playing the odds of drawing your deer tag.
You will also need a Kansas annual hunting license for 77.00 before hunting.
Any additional questions contact Jerry at 907-723-2399. He is at the lodge now and will be there till mid December.