I'm not familiar with the bow you have now, what kind of fittings does the limbs have? Are they the DAS fittings? If so, man I highly recommend getting a set of Dryad ACS RC limbs, I recently got a set with the DAS fittings and changed them out to ILF and man are they sweet, I dropped 5 lbs in draw weight from my Wapiti and gained 5 to 6fps in speed with the same arrow, the bolt down models are supposed to be even faster, could of dropped a few more lbs and been in the same ball park speed wise. Between the small gain in speed and the drop in weight, I'm shooting better than ever, my scores on a round at my archery club increased about 25% or so almost instantly. I really want to get my wife one of their bolt down bows, but she is so attached to her custom Rampart I don't think she will shoot it, first nice thing anybody ever bought for her and it was built just for her, so not sure it's going to happen, lol.