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Author Topic: Should have used the mesh!!  (Read 330 times)

Offline agtex42

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Should have used the mesh!!
« on: April 14, 2013, 07:26:00 PM »
Our turkey season opened yesterday and after getting skunked on Saturday due to being locked out of the areas I had scouted in the pre-season I had high hopes for today!  My honey hole area was open on the sign-in log and despite seeing 10 other hunters already checked into it I decided to go for it anyway and just try to get there first.  0500 found me parked on the side of the road ready to walk in and lo and behold I was the first car there!  My hunting partner arrived shortly after and we grabbed our gear and headed into the woods.

After a little walk to warmup we were settled into the edge of a food plot bordering a little creek bottom that the deer and turkey like to use as a travel corridor.  I decided to setup my Double Bull with our backs to the rising sun and put the hen and jake decoys out in the plot eight steps from the blind so approaching birds could see it from 30-40 yards away.  After that all we had to do was wait on the woods to wake up and try to keep from nodding off.

Two weeks ago the gobblers were absolutely hammering on the roost and would continue to do so for 10-15 minutes after the initial fly down, they must be well into the laying/incubating phase because I have yet to hear a tom sound off in the morning since then.  About an hour after shooting light we had two hens work into our setup from the far end of the plot, I was hoping they'd be dragging big boy along with them but it was not meant to be.  They moseyed over to our end of the plot and proceeded to preen and feed right next to our decoys for the next 10 minutes.  I couldn't hardly believe my luck of having some live "decoys" right in the middle of my setup and hoped to see more birds in tow but it didn't pan out.  


They meandered off and we continued to wait, calling every 45 minutes or so just in case a bird was within earshot but out of sight.  Around 0900 my buddy had to leave so he grabbed his gear and headed to the house but I decided to stick it out for a few more hours and I'm glad I did!

Around 1030 I found myself getting tired so I nocked an arrow, came to full draw and picked a spot on my jake to make sure my limb clearance was okay and stretch out my muscles.  Not 30 seconds after letting down I heard a scratch and a cluck from the creek bottom off to my right.  I froze on the spot and shifted my eyes over to see the silhouette of a turkey in the saplings about 15 yards away.  My first thought was "Crap, that bird just saw me let down and the jig is up before it could even begin!"  To my surprise he took a couple of seconds to survey the scene and then came right into the setup, a few seconds later another bird came into view from the bottom and followed in trace of the first.

At this point my heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest as the two toms proceeded to take turns pounding the living daylights out of the jake!  One bird was noticeably more mature than the other so I decided to make him my focus for the first available shot.  I was fortunate to already be in shooting position after the precheck, but I just couldn't get an opportunity where both birds were facing away from me.  After a few minutes of kicking and bumping my bird was quartering away looking into the woods and my instincts said "Now!"

As I passed half-draw I heard a loud "putt" and I knew the jig was up.  In my excitement I "tuned out" the other bird for a moment, but sure enough he was staring me down at the moment of truth.  I came to anchor but they were already halfway to the creek and I didn't have a shot.  I'd never practiced with the shoot through mesh before so I didn't have it up for this hunt.  When I got back to the house I went out back to give it a trial run and could hardly believe it when I put the first arrow within an inch of my spot from 12 yards.  I guess I'll chalk this one up to another lesson learned and you can bet that next time I'll be using that stinking mesh!

Offline Mitch H

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Re: Should have used the mesh!!
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2013, 07:34:00 PM »
Sounds like a good day of hunting even though you ended up not getting a shot.  :)

Sorry about your getting busted…..

Were you wearing all dark colors?

Did you have the sides and back of the blind shut down tight?

I never use the mesh for turkey hunts, and in the last 5 years we have probably video`d 35-40 turkey kills out of my two DB blinds, and we get `em in close. I usually set up the dekes 4-5 yards from the blind.
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Offline T Mowery

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Re: Should have used the mesh!!
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2013, 07:52:00 PM »
Sorry about your misfortune,you will get them next time!I never use the mesh,but I also have my shooting window configured that it only allows me a 5-6" slit for a opening to shoot through.I never open the window very wide.It makes it darker in the blind,but for me that is not a deal breaker.Best of luck!
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Offline agtex42

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Re: Should have used the mesh!!
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2013, 07:55:00 PM »
Well maybe these birds are just hyper sensitive, haha!  In all seriousness the birds get a lot of pressure here so I try to be extra vigilent with my setups.

I had on a black hoodie, a dark beanie and a camo facemask. The back windows were all closed and the front window was just open enough to get a shot through, maybe ten inches in the middle.

I don't have a whole lot of experience with turkeys and am resigned to the fact that it may take me a while to get them figured out.  It's not going to keep me from having fun in the process though!

Offline Guru

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Re: Should have used the mesh!!
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2013, 08:26:00 PM »
How about your bow and bowhand, were they "blacked out"?

 They are the closest to the window and are more important than anything else to have dark.
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Offline riverrat 2

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Re: Should have used the mesh!!
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2013, 09:27:00 PM »
What Guru said. They see stupid good. Nothing is overlooked with Turks. I use the mesh just because of that. My back is'nt the greatest,so I need to move around a bit to keep things in check. And with the mesh,I can. Just keep our sceen tight agtex42,and that...is that. rat'
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Offline tracker12

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Re: Should have used the mesh!!
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2013, 09:46:00 PM »
I have taken birds the last four years out of my Double Bull and never used the screen.  I do try to position the blind opening facing North or south to minimize sun coming in.  I have shot turkeys at 5 paces and they never noticed me.

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Re: Should have used the mesh!!
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2013, 11:21:00 PM »
I always use the mesh in all my ground blinds and I always use the string tracker for turkey hunting too!


Offline hunt4life

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Re: Should have used the mesh!!
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2013, 09:33:00 AM »
Chris, sounds like your opening weekend was a lot better than mine! Lots of yahoos at the croatan, walking around at 0730, when some of the birds havent even flown down yet!

I never had a need to use the shoot through mesh but now after reading this post, and knowing how much pressure the birds in the area get, Ill definately use it.

Offline agtex42

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Re: Should have used the mesh!!
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2013, 10:55:00 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions yall, no I wasn't wearing a glove and my bow isn't blacked out on the front!  

I've definitely tweaked my setup just a little bit for future use, I was able to close up the front window considerably and still have enough reference to shoot.  I also started practicing with the gloves on just to get a feel for it, but I think I'm going to leave the mesh up for now just as a precautionary measure.  Hopefully this coming weekend I'll get another chance to see if the changes will help!

Offline katman

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Re: Should have used the mesh!!
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2013, 08:28:00 PM »
Sounds like you had a great hunt, very exciting for sure.

With ground blinds I leave the mesh off at first and last light and put it up with a couple clothes pins when it lightens up good. I have a hard time seeing well thru it in grey light.

Good luck.
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