Hey Gang,
I've only ever shot recurves. I've been going back and forth on getting a longbow. Every time I'd decide to get one, something would always come up to drain the "extra" funds. Finally I've been able to save a bit over the last few months and along comes a gala to benefit the Richard Murphy Hospice in Hammond, LA. I donated a hunting knife and my brother-in-law, Thomas, donated a bow he made. After a few back and forth bids in the silent auction, I was happy to see my number was last on the list when the papers were collected.
Now the history: under the clear glass is a thin piece of sassafras. If ever my late father-in-law came across some sassafras, he'd brew his own tea with it. When he was a late teenager, he had a tumor removed from his spine, but being that this was in the 60's, surgery wasn't quite as advanced as it is today, so he had issues in his later years, resulting to him being confined to a motorized wheelchair. He was a cranky old cat, so coupled with his challenges, he was dubbed "The Crippled Crab". He died last year in the Hospice house in Hammond due to complications of cancer that had spread to other parts of the body. Thomas thought it was only right to donate this bow in his honor to the auction items.
So here we have "The Cripple Crab":
Riser is Osage and Purple Heart
Limbs have maple core with sassafras under the clear glass
Bow is 68" and 47# @28"
One of these days, I'll actually use my REAL camera instead of the silly iPhone.
Thanks for looking,