I don't want to even start on how much money I have spent on Kuiu gear! It's great stuff. I just got another Merino top yesterday and I wear the Attack Pants every day except when I have to put on a suit. Then I change back into the Attack Pants when I get the chance. I love being able to get solid colors along with the camo patterns. The clothing isn't just good for hunting. I still want Jason to come out with button-up, light-weight, synthetic shirts with flap chest pockets for hot weather hunting. The new caps and boonie look great, but I didn't try to order before they were all sold out. I'll pre-order some Monday. If no one has tried the Guide Pants, I have to say they are the best active wear hunting pants I have ever used. There are lots of plants where I often hunt that stick to most of my pants, but the Guide Pants are better than any other pants I have for shedding plant debris. They are also comfortable, shed water, have a wide temperature range, and do what I want for most of my cool weather hunting. I have at least one of most of the Kuiu products, and many of some of them (including 7 pairs of the Attack Pants). Kuiu is the best!!!!