I think that is good solid speed, pretty much where the TD R/D bow I built lies. It was based off the Binghams plan but with 1 inch shorter riser and each limb 1 1/2" shorter. Close to 64".
Here are my numbers with a B50 and a FF string:
El Cheapo, the Phoenix longbow - 7 1/16" brace ht
Wood arrow-----560gr--------163.2-----167.0
GoldTip 125----425gr--------180.8-----187.1
GoldTip 145----445gr------------------181.4
These were all 9-12 arrow averages for each number. Pulled to about 29". I don't have a good scale, but I'm guessing about 51# at that length. Didn't use a clicker for drawlenght consistency either. When I really over drew the bow to close to 30" with FF, I got 195.5 fps ave with a 9 arrow bunch. Fun, ain't it?!?! Can't wait to chase deer with it in 2 weeks! Steve