3Rivers Archery

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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Just a little push.....what would you like to see up for the auction?  (Read 480 times)

Offline threeunder

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I'm sure there are some members out there who just haven't had time to gather stuff up for the auction...or maybe they are thinking, "Nobody would even bid on that"

Well here's everyone's chance.......what would you like to see pop up for auction?

For me:
-One of those Arizona EZ Fletchers in left wing
-More hunts with other members
-More LH bows (I know, I know RH bows too)
-KME sharpener
-A custom bowyer who lets the winner play a major role in designing a limited edition tradgang series of bows

What would you guys like to see?  Let's give those on the edge of donating something just a little "push" for the kids.
Ken Adkins

Never question a man's choice in bows or the quality of an animal he kills.  He is the only one who has to be satisfied with either of those choices.

Online David Mitchell

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More left hand bows here too.  :D  Maybe some camping gear--light weight tent.
The years accumulate on old friendships like tree rings, during which time a kind of unspoken care and loyalty accrue between men.

Offline stabow

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Lot of good stuff already maybe some more hunts but if win half the stuff I'm biding on my wife will need a second job lol
The best thing about owning a dog is that someone is happy when you come home.

Offline Izzy

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More things from me. Ive got a nice quiet weekend ahead of me other than hearing my sons and my reel drags screaming, oh and little league. I plan to make up a few more items.

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