Thanks to Mudd giving me the idea, I was able to spend about 5 minutes putting together this novelty shoot at our Michigan Longbow Spring Shoot this past weekend.
I bent the wire so that it would stick in the bail, and stop from going any further. Then I let the wire go out 8" before I made the next bend which would place the 1" key ring out infront of the target. The shooting line was set at 15 yards.
Who would have thought that something so simple could provide so much entertainment. To my knowledge, there were no "Ringers", but I whitnessed the ring getting slapped around a couple times (I'm sorry to report none were by me).
I only have a before picture, but after 2 1/2 days of constant shooting, the turky target was reduced to shreds, but tons of laughter was had, and it beat into our heads to aim smaller. Amazing how it helps in bowhunting practice.
Thanks again Mudd (Roy)...