New here, couldn't find an "introductions" thread so I decided to put this here :D Admins, feel free to move if it's in the wrong spot!
My Uncle was big into archery and I spent countless hours at the ranges of all my summer camps. I even took the merit badge class at least three times one summer LOL
After I finally moved back home, I was able to get my bows out of storage. Sadly several were stored upright standing on there limbs :mad:
On top is a 20ish# Indian Archery longbow that's got some terrible string follow and is now wall art:
The 2nd bow was my Dad's when he was a kid. He remembers getting it from his father some time in the early '60s and it wasn't new then! It's a York 60" Longbow. I believe it's lemonwood, and it isn't backed. I can't find a stamp on it anywhere but it can't be any heavier than 30#:
The first recurve was my Uncle's unfinished project. He started it in his high school wood shop class around 14 and never finished because he kept growing. I Found it in my grandmothers attic last summer, and as he had just passed, It is an excellent way to remember him and his many hobbies. It needs the edges of the limbs rounded, a string grove cut on the upper limb and then I can seal it. His initials are on the body :
The last recurve has a story, but to keep it short, it was given to me by a close family friend. It's a 62" 51# Wing Falcon. It's a Head Ski company one though, and sadly it was the one stored upright. It's got 3-4 shots before the string jumps. I'm hoping to find a local bowyer to bring it back! :