When it comes to wired and wary deer, nothing beats NW Iowa public land and the busy private ground I hunt on where guys are cruising the field edges every night, even when they are not hunting. Hunting these areas on the ground requires luck, a good back drop and a smooth quick shot. It seems that deer will pick up on the slightest of motions. Try holding your bow out extended for any length of time, there will be motion, the deer I hunt from the ground will pick-up on that little bit of movement. My wife looks at her feet, not the deer, when the situation lets her shoot, she takes her bow off her leg swings up to deer, hesitates about a 1/4 second and shoots. Even shooting from a standing position, it seems that our deer will do a stop and momentary freeze most of the time before bolting. A quick one second swing draw shot is the only shot that will do it at times. That is how I have filled most of my doe tags, getting shots while working my way to where I was going to sit. Of course, it is very important to see the deer before they see you for even the fastest shot to work.