When lived out in the country, I spent a great deal of time shooting from point on to just a bit under and over point on. My point on with that Schulz longbow was over 60 yards, depending on which arrows I was shooting. I shot one deer at that range that happened to be standing by a badger dig that I had shot at many times across a pond. The buck was just stairing at the sun and paying no attention to anything. I simply reacted and shot. The Wasp broadhead, hit just right. It lost one blade in the hide on entry, one on the edge of rib and part of the third probably on a rib as well. What was left of it went through the buck's heart. The buck made two jumps looked back at me and dropped. Now thirty plus years later, my wheel house range is 25 yards and under. If I shoot a deer that is beyond that, it would be because I misjudged the distance. My longest shot that I took game was about 80 yards at a pheasant. It was way past point on, just got lucky.