Even though numbers were down it is still a very good event. The courses are still quite good and the people excellent, think my neck got sore from returning good morning nods to people I didn't know, kind of like being at a family reunion. One thing I never realized about the Compton event was what a great program they have there for the kids. My 8 year old daughter took part and I went to the stations at the kids shoot with her and her new friend Neveah, I was impressed with the attention these children get and many have never shot a bow before. The prizes that every child attendee gets at the end of the event were quite nice and everyone got a t shirt and Frisbee, awesome job by the kids and the adult group leaders alike, I wish some of my past adult students were as well behaved. I had some very cool neighbors who were tradgang members on both sides of me, Tim Fishell, who has excellent taste in recurves on the left and Todd Greenweld on the right, both very cordial and just plain good people, had an excellent time conversing with both, these are the kind of people that give one hope for mankind. I shot a 56" Big Jim thunderchild that defies physics as to how smooth and how far these things can be drawn and it really rips, I didn't buy it but it impressed me so much that this 62" recurve guy is gonna get one of these shorty longbows. I don't know of anywhere one could be with so many people of diverse backgrounds and feel more among a bunch of friends. Thanks to all,good job Compton membership.