What should I do with these? OK, OK, I know some of you might have a suggestion about that! But, I’m looking for some help determining if these could be used in an ILF type setup(which I know nothing about!).
There are 4 sets of new Martin Archery Quest recurve limbs that I was told should fit any Martin riser with ball bearing pivots in them(Warthogs, others?) I don’t know about risers from other mfgrs. The ball bearing seats on these look to be 7/8” between centers.
There are two sets of white limbs, labeled 50 and 30#, 66 & 68”, respectively. Also, two sets of silver limbs, labeled 48# @ 29 and 42.5 @ 28’, both labeled 68”. Of course the specs would depend on the riser they are mated to. I’d think there is the potential to make 4 pretty decent bows, but I don’t really know what else is needed. I don't want to spend time and $ looking for old risers that MIGHT fit! Any help would be appreciated.