I see you got the back quiver but I'm posting this for any searchers checking previous threads.... if you plan on removing it while hunting do not buy anything with Velcro, most that use Velcro won't mention it in the description because its so LOUD and unnatural sounding removing in the woods... only get one that's rubber mounted like the Great Northern bow quiver.
now there's two category's of Bow quivers I think,,,,, 1 keeps the fletching tight and close together....... the 2nd keeps the fletching all fanned apart usually in a long row like the selway's.. what you need to consider is will the last arrow's fletch hit your pants or clothes when you raise the bow to shoot in certain positions.... reality, I was once sitting under a small pine and had a buck and doe coming in perfect maybe 18yds,, I go to lift my bow and scrape that bottom fletch on my pants and spooked both deer... that selway style (thunderhorn) has been laying near that pine tree getting eating by mice ever since.