First, let me state I'm primarily a recurve guy ... but I love the Slammer. It is the only longbow I can shoot consistently well. I have a 64" 3 piece Slammer and had a 66" in the same draw weight. The 66" was just a little smoother on draw, but both bows are so smooth it was hardly noticeable. I kept the 64 because it is easier to hunt out of a treestand. I recently bought a one piece 64" slammer in a lighter draw weight. It is considerably lighter in overall mass weight than the 3 piece bow, but I have found that it is every bit as easy to shoot. For me the grip of a bow is very important and both the 1 and 3 piece bows are nearly identical in that respect. Very comfortable and easy to grip consistently. I recently shot Leon's 56" Lil Slammer at the Baltimore shoot and was surprised at how well it shot. I was skeptical of a longbow that short, but liked it. I have too many bows or that one would have come home with me to join the other two. As Greenbear said, I too have shot a number of very nice custom bows and have found that Leon's bows are finished nicer than most.