I think you have a good plan.In the late Summer through Fall,bears are geared to eat 24/7 so prime food sources are very important.They will travel many miles to get to some prime seasonal food source so understanding what they eat,that time of year is a must.As you mentioned,water can also be very good,especially like small,isolated springs,when the weather is dry.They have to drink daily.In hot weather,they need to dunk themselves to cool down.I find that the springs don't get much activity for a few days after a rain.
Bears have a nose as good as a bloodhounds and that time of year,spend a lot of time traveling in to the wind,looking for food.They just about always leave plenty of sign where they are feeding regularly,scat,broken branches,hair in the bark of trees and scuffed ground or tracks.
There should also be "marking" trees on prominent trails they travel.They will rub,scratch these trees and often take a bite out,as high as they can reach.Multiple bears will visit these trees.In my country,cedar is a favorite for rub trees,especially any that lean into the trail.
Good luck.Sounds like an interesting trip.