If your 2013 have a uni-bushing they will take the standard S-type nock and they have a .246 ID,which is like 3D Super nocks,Super nocks,Gold tip nocks,Bohning Signature nocks.Easton aluminum arrows that are 20XX or larger that use a standard uni-bushing these are your standard .246 ID size nocks.Newer Easton 1816,1913 and 1916 use a X-bushing,they will use a X-nock(with a .204 ID)the same as Easton Axis/MFX.There is a few but usally target aluminum arrows that will use a G-bushing with a .166 ID,they will use a G-nock which comes in two sizes.A small groove with a .088 throat and a large groove with a .098 throat.The Easton 3D Super nocks have a .098 throat,and a longer smoother throat then any other nocks I have found.I don't think there are any other push-in type nocks with a larger throat then .098 that I have found.Thats why I try to make all my strings to fit that diameter with about .108 to .110 diameter.I got tired of sanding my nocks too,not as consistent as serving to fit a nock that I shoot.A diameter of .113 is pretty close,the Easton 3D Super nock is my favorite nock.