Depends what you're looking for. If you're looking for a hunt where you have a reasonable chance at a bigger, mature whitetail buck, Ohio or Kentucky probably best fits your listed criteria.
If you want to camp in some great places, enjoy eastern US upland forest and you don't care if you see mainly yearling bucks and maybe a 2-3 year old 8pt in the 100"-120" class if you're really lucky and can kill a doe (or 2), much of northern Michigan offers lots of public land, the most public land east of the Mississippi, and tags are over the counter.
Non-resident tag fees just recently changed, but I think it's still around $250-300 for 2 "either sex" tags for archery.
Keep in mind, if you choose Michigan, you likely won't be alone, unless you pick places with low deer density, like the UP or the northern tip of the LP. We have 350,000 bowhunters in Michigan. Any public land with decent deer numbers will probably have bowhunters all over it.