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Author Topic: Help Me Out Here  (Read 3159 times)

Offline basket-rack'89

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Re: Help Me Out Here
« Reply #60 on: August 21, 2013, 12:26:00 PM »
I support the like button.  Personally, I don't post an "atta boy" when I read awesome hunt stories because I usually find myself sifting through the following pages reading questions and answers and the more "atta boys" the more pages to sift through.  A little lazy, but when it's been said 40 times I don't feel I need to say it again. However, I understand the story posters appreciate knowing others on the site are reading and enjoying their stories. I will gladly start commenting on stories if it means more will be posted.

Offline 23feetupandhappy

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Re: Help Me Out Here
« Reply #61 on: August 21, 2013, 01:38:00 PM »
Originally posted by basket-rack'89:
I support the like button.  Personally, I don't post an "atta boy" when I read awesome hunt stories because I usually find myself sifting through the following pages reading questions and answers and the more "atta boys" the more pages to sift through.  A little lazy, but when it's been said 40 times I don't feel I need to say it again. However, I understand the story posters appreciate knowing others on the site are reading and enjoying their stories. I will gladly start commenting on stories if it means more will be posted.
My thoughts exactly  :thumbsup:
The Lord Is My Provider......

Offline Butch Speer

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Re: Help Me Out Here
« Reply #62 on: August 21, 2013, 01:52:00 PM »
Guilty as charged! Some the stories are very interesting to me. Especially those about Australian hunting. After a while, so many "good story" or "atta a boy" gets old. I do enjoy reading them tho.
God Bless

Butch the Yard Gnome

67 Bear Kodiak Hunter 58" 48@28
73 Bear Grizzly 58" 47@ 28
74 Bear Kodiak Hunter 45@28
Shakespeare Necedah 58" 45@28

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Offline KodiakMag

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Re: Help Me Out Here
« Reply #63 on: August 21, 2013, 02:11:00 PM »
Maybe it should take the lot of us to go through some old hunting stories. Kinda like a throwback Thursday or something. I have a journal that I write about my hunts in, most of the time I don't even tag an animal but experience the time in the stand and write down thoughts that I had while in the outdoors. I think it would be interesting to hear some old campfire stories that only you (the members) know for yourselves as you haven't shared them because there was no arrows released on that hunt. Just a thought.

P.S.--A long thread dedicated to older stories would be nice, having it a sticky at the top would be nice as well for those that aren't quite as...motivated...to search a page for that thread.   :)
55# Kodiak Mag

"Stay calm, Pick a spot."

Zwickey, the 1911 of Broadheads.

Offline Jack Skinner

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Re: Help Me Out Here
« Reply #64 on: August 21, 2013, 02:44:00 PM »
Randy I am with you. I dont come on much any more when the hunt seasons are closed maybe lurk a little or when you private message me. Anyway I got tired of the same old arguments over this gear or that and the same old quesstions that a search could have answered. Also it was like only certain individuals opinion was any good. So myself like to wait for this time of the year and the hunt stories.

So lets get them going I am in.

Offline wapiti792

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Re: Help Me Out Here
« Reply #65 on: August 21, 2013, 05:08:00 PM »
Randy, I appreciate every time you pull up an old hunt. Many times I am shocked that I missed that hunt on here. Those recent threads with your lope, along with Scott's thread were well written and the photos were awesome. I am appalled when I go back to re-read a hunt thread and I have to tease out gear questions and whaddaya think threads.

I think taking the time to prepare photos and a well thought out hunt story are under appreciated. I try to read every one and wish we had more. I have found myself pulling up Powwow and looking for hunting stories then leaving when I can't find any. I am so looking to the elk, mulie and antelope stories that will be hopefully rolling in any day. Sure makes my day!
Mike Davenport

Offline DarkTimber

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Re: Help Me Out Here
« Reply #66 on: August 21, 2013, 06:30:00 PM »
I also really appreciate the threads that get pulled back up.  I haven't been on trad gang for all that long so there are a bunch of great ones I would have never gotten to read if someone hadn't brought them back (Curt's Montana hunt instantly comes to mind).  Saying congrats just doesn't seem appropriate for a hunt that is 3 or 4 years old so I just read and enjoy them.  Maybe I need to start thinking of a better response than just congrats, but don't mistake the lack of response for it not being appreciated.

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