While reading the thead on Mi Deer Camp scouting I started to think back on all the opening days of bow season I have had in my 52 years of bowhunting. Like the opening day in Pa that I was so sick I could only hunt for about a hour or the opening day on Drummond Island,Mi when I shut the car door on my bow tip and broke it off and had to drive to Fred Bears factory in Grayling for a new bow, or the year our car broke down in Gaylord,Mi going to Drummond Island and we missed opening day,or the opening day in WV I got my International Scout sunk up to the frame on a beaver dam, or the big snow storm in WV on opening day. I have also had many many relaxing and great opening days with a lot of my old hunting buddies. These are examples of some of my opening day happening. I would not trade these memories for anything. Whats some of yours...