I have been to Alaska 12 times since 1990-- shot a bull-- not real big-- back then was 3 BT or 50" now must be 4 BT or 50" -- so make sure--
Shot the first bull with my Jack Howard recurve 58# no problem -- second was with 70#-- 1959-60 grizzly -- no problem -- third was a bad hit but caught the femoral artery and he only went 60 yards -- all shot with Bear RH the last one with Bleader Blades -- the other two W/O IN my experience -- moose do not take hits very well - they don't go far when hit -
There is no cheap way to Alaska -- have thought about Willow Air -- they do Float Trips and are spt have exclusive areas-- check all outfitters for recomendations- they provide gear -- success rate-- ask Fish and Game -- for population --
Check out drop off services -- do it now - as the good ones get booked
Another one is Prinstine Ventures -- supplies the gear and knows the rivers -- out of fairbanks-- see who will fly you into the Wood River -- my recomendation -- get up high and glass with GOOD Spotting scope- bino's
Recomendation -- moose are not all that hard to butcher -- just like a big deer -- do not gut unless you are leaving over night -- take a saw and cut out ribs --- you can get the heart and liver then if you want-- saves a mess-
Don't forget license fee-- hotels -- in Alaska not cheap ! Plan extra days coming and going
Antlers - must be cut in half to bring on Airlines- or find a freight outfit - try Estes Freight -- meat-- bring one cooler for 50 pounds -- if you do a drop off-- get up high -as high as you can-- stay put -- glass willows and timber area-- look for pieces of moose - in warm weathjer they will get up and feed in a 20 yard circle in thick cover -- hunt early and late -- unltess the rut is on--
Bring a call or the coffee can deal-- don't be afraid to call- I use a lohman bell type -
the sound carries better than your voice -
I have called in Moose from almost two miles --
INteresting when you are up high to see them come or stop them-- wonder how they heard the sound -
Only bring what you need --
OH Don't forget to wear Wool--
WWW.classicsportsman.com or
www.classicbowman.com OH also heard New Foundland is good --