One more thought, and a public "thanks"...
Quite some time ago, Fletcher and I were talking and the conversation turned to safety lines, and I mentioned I hoped to find a supply of proper rope and build some.
He said, "Hey, I have one at home for you- I'll get it to you some time." I told him thanks, but that it wasn't necessary. I'd be getting around to getting some.
Months later, and with the topic completely forgotten, I got a Priority Mail box. I was surprised, since I hadn't ordered anything. When I saw it was from Rick, a light bulb came on. It was a safety rope suitable for a 15' stand, and I loved the quality of the materials and the simple-but-effective design. (THANK YOU, my Friend!!!)
Perhaps even better than the gift, though, was the fact that Rick got me thinking about the whole safety issue once again. I did some research, and saw a statistic on the Safetree site that 85% of falls occur during the process of getting up and down from the stand. That rang true to me, and really got my attention.
I have a medical problem that leaves me permanently dizzy, and I have given up hunting off the ground with the exception of a few ladder stands. On these I go carefully and strategically, with all the speed of a narcoleptic sloth! The most challenging part of every stand hunt is getting my Seat-of-the-Pants safety harness rope around the tree to tie off after climbing up... especially on two big oaks that I cannot reach around. I always feel uneasy (and dizzy) until I am attached, and again later as I am loose and coming down, until my feet are back on Terra Firma.
After studying the site and cost of materials, I decided to scrape together what funds I could and spend my hunting budget for this Fall on some ready-made safety systems from Safetree. Not new camo, not new arrows, not the latest gizmo(?!?!), but on safety! My hope is to be tied off on every stand before leaving the ground. I also picked up a couple spare Prusik loops to use as a back up as mentioned earlier in this thread. (One to carry, one to lose!)
I just wanted to say thanks to Rick for his generosity, and for priming the pump of thought that led me to the next step in trying to get safely home to my wife each night.
I thought it might lead others to consider doing something similar. Be safe!